Fractional laser skin rejuvenation - features of procedures, photos and reviews

Fractional laser skin rejuvenation

Skin aging begins at age 25, and initially this process goes unnoticed. Meanwhile, the skin gradually loses its elasticity, its structure changes, it becomes looser, the pores enlarge and wrinkles appear. Sooner or later, it is time for the change to be noticeable, and then it becomes difficult to cope with regular cosmetics. And pigmentation disorders and skin thinning cannot be fixed by conservative methods at all.

Fortunately, modern technology does not leave us alone with withering problems. To rejuvenate the skin, it is not enough to simply remove the defects and signs of aging, it must be stimulated, to begin the process of cell renewal in it. This is the only way to achieve not only visual effects, but also real facial rejuvenation. Fractional laser rejuvenation on the skin of the face, which has been used in cosmetology for more than 10 years, can solve the problem.

This technology is based on fractional phototrolysis method - exposure to laser beams of a certain length, divided into several light fluxes (fractions) for more efficient operation. Today, fractional rejuvenation is considered a suitable alternative to facelift surgery.

Laser fractional facial skin rejuvenation mechanism

Over time, all processes in the body slow down, including at the cellular level. This is what causes skin aging: cells are no longer used quickly, new cells do not grow so actively, as a result, skin renewal becomes increasingly ineffective and practically stops. Studies show that laser irradiation of skin cells helps restore the skin's potential for natural rejuvenation.

Under the influence of light rays and the heat effects it produces on the skin, tissues are intensively cleaned of dead cells and those whose ability for further growth and development have been lost. At the same time, young and healthy cells only benefit from this effect: their cells actively reproduce, replacing the cells used and restoring the “damaged” skin renewal mechanism.

Almost all cosmetology lasers have such an effect on the skin. The difference between fraxel is that it uses the most effective laser beam measurement, less than 200 microns in diameter: it is the thinner laser most conducive to replacing old tissue with young and healthy ones.

The second feature of fractional rejuvenation is that the effect occurs not with a single ray, but with the whole microbial mass, in which light flux is broken down, creating a grid effect. Therefore, irradiation occurs not as a continuous point or pulse. It is located on a specific matrix.

The skin is divided into small areas, in the middle of which there are tissues that have experienced strong heat shock, and around it there are healthy cells that are not exposed to laser light. The result of this treatment is active skin regrowth: exfoliation of damaged cells and growth of young skin in place.

Fractional rejuvenation type

Fractional photothermolysis is available in two different basic forms: ablative and non-ablative. These methods of laser exposure differ from each other in many ways: the depth of laser penetration, the intensity of treatment, the mechanism of skin stimulation, the final effect.

Ablative technology has a superficial effect on epidermal cells through its evaporation. Non-ablative rejuvenation, on the other hand, does not affect the uppermost layer of skin, but penetrates deep into it, where the lower layer of the epidermis is located and the dermis begins. In this case, the irradiated cells do not evaporate, but form columns of frozen tissues.

In both cases, laser treatment occurs in confined spaces, where locations with zones referred to as cellular programming are preserved - healthy cells with high potential for regrowth, triggered by heat shock. A short-term increase in temperature in the tissues causes the activation of all metabolic processes in it, including the growth of elastin and collagen fibers responsible for skin elasticity and rejuvenation.

The Fraxel ablative gives a quicker and more suitable effect to eliminate the first signs of aging: shallow wrinkles, slight loss of turgor. As a result of ablation, the micro-area evaporates from the surface of the skin, which, during regeneration, is tightened by new skin with the participation of cells from the surrounding area. Therefore, there is the removal (tightening) of the facial skin as a whole, as well as the destruction of wrinkles and blemishes.

Such a superficial effect will not be enough to solve the facial problem with obvious withered signs. Aging skin needs to be “treated” from within, in the inner layer where the cells responsible for skin skeletal renewal are located. This result provides non-ablative fraction rejuvenation.

Of course, no one forbids combining these two methods. Then the effect will be more mesmerizing: the skin will get a double boost to rejuvenate, both internally and externally, so that the visible improvement in facial condition will be visible after one procedure, and activated tissue renewal will make the face "in" condition.

Fractional laser rejuvenation procedure

Like other laser procedures, fracsel is performed only by a qualified specialist. The fact is that the equipment used belongs to medical laser equipment, to work with it need to undergo medical education, undergo training and gain appropriate experience.

In inefficient hands, lasers can be dangerous with unpredictable complications and consequences, moreover, this procedure has a large number of contraindications. By identifying the resistance to the use of laser procedures, the preparation process for fractional rejuvenation should begin.


Let's list the conditions and diseases that do not allow the use of procedures based on laser exposure:

  • presence of any tumor formation in the body now and in the past;
  • skin diseases in the treatment area: dermatitis, dermatosis, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo;
  • damaged skin (abrasions, scratches);
  • history of photoallergy;
  • tendency to form keloids;
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine system, cardiovascular, hematology;
  • acute viral and bacterial infections;
  • weak immunity;
  • acute or chronic herpes at the acute stage;
  • take retinoid-based medications (after the end of admission, at least six months should pass before the procedure if pills are taken, and at least 2 weeks if external agents are used);
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy and other mental and neurological problems;
  • tan recently.

After examining the anamnesis and current health condition, the cosmetologist decides whether the procedure is possible. In some cases, it may be necessary to temporarily postpone, such as the flu or menstruation. In general, fractional laser rejuvenation is a fairly safe procedure and, if done correctly, does not pose a complication.The doctor performed a phototrolysis procedure

Procedure progress
Fractional photothermolysis is considered a painless procedure. However, this cannot be 100% verified. The vast majority of patients still experience discomfort during, and especially after, laser rejuvenation

Therefore, local anesthesia is the norm for starting a laser therapy session. Anesthetics are used on the face to reduce the overall sensitivity of the skin. Burning sensation and tingling may be acceptable during exposure.

Facial treatment takes 20-40 minutes (session duration depends on the size of the exposure zone), and upon completion, a special protective cream is applied to the skin, and the patient receives recommendations for skin care for the recovery period.

Skin regeneration after treatment
Rest mode after procedure

It is believed that fractional rejuvenation does not require recovery time and does not disrupt the normal rhythm of life. Actually, this is not entirely true. In order not to get into awkward situations, it is better not to take risks and not try to combine laser procedures with work or upcoming holidays. It is recommended to vacation for at least a week, because at this time you need to observe the rules of rest, and appearance is unlikely to allow you to live an active life. For a few days, the face will be red and swollen, after a few days it will start to peel off, and only after 7-10 days we can talk about normal appearance.

Healing with ablative fraxel is very unpleasant: with that condition, the condition of the face can resemble a burn. Other consequences after the procedure include:

  • hyper- or hypopigmentation;
  • the occurrence of scars and scars, if the tendency towards them is not known in advance;
  • identification of infection in micro lesions.

These side effects are unlikely and account for less than 3% of all fractional rejuvenation cases. If the procedure itself is carried out properly, without interrupting the preparation and recovery process, the chances of complications are reduced to zero.

After fracture laser, do not sunbathe, expose skin to friction, apply aggressive cosmetics, overheating and hypothermia.

Fractional laser skin rejuvenation results

Laser fractional rejuvenation, unlike fractional facial skin, is a minimally invasive procedure. It does not "burn" the skin layer, so the effect after one session is unlikely to be excessive. As a rule, fractional rejuvenation is done in the course - from 3 to 6 sessions, and then you can already evaluate the results:

Before and after fractional rejuvenation
  • tightens and tightens skin;
  • strengthens the oval of the face;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • removal of age spots;
  • smoothes acne;
  • color alignment.

The rejuvenating effect lasts from one to 10 years, so you can do a second course.

Fractional laser rejuvenation is combined with other procedures: re-surface, injection technique, during the recovery period after plastic surgery. Laser irradiation does not have a detrimental effect on the filler introduced earlier, but experts believe it is better to do Fraxel first, and then address the existing defective correction.

Mixed patient reviews. Along with the positive recommendations of this procedure, negative statements are often found. For example, many women voice such complaints:

  1. The recovery period lasts longer than the cosmetologist promises. As a rule, we do not talk about 4-7 days, as beauty salon workers say, but about 10-14 days.
  2. More than half of patients show inadequate efficacy. Many people believe that fractional rejuvenation has made their face swollen, making them look older than before the procedure. It is also noted that the possibility of procedures for smoothing wrinkles is greatly exaggerated, and its main purpose is to get rid of hyperpigmentation and acne scars.
  3. The disadvantage of fractional laser rejuvenation is undoubtedly its price.

Treatment feedback

Here are some reviews of fractional laser skin rejuvenation:

Check # 1

My husband and mother-in-law and I presented certificates for fractional rejuvenation for birthdays. She was a young, active woman, she left happily. It can be seen that there are results: the face is fresher, tighter, all sorts of spots disappear, wrinkles around the eyes feel smooth. I did it only once, but still wanted to go, improve the results, ask for the next vacation to give him the same gift.

Check # 2

I do not like fractional rejuvenation. First, it hurts. Second, after undergoing the procedure, I had to stay at home for almost 2 weeks. My face rose several times, all red and wet, as if the ichor was flowing. The result is zero. My main problem is the problem of acne on my cheeks. So everything remains, as it were, very valuable for your suffering, as well as for your own money.

Check # 3

I only have one Fraxel procedure. However, it is expensive and unpleasant. But after 6 days I saw the results, and it was great! Lost nasolabial folds and all age spots have disappeared, and this is what makes me so much older than I actually am. Now that everything suits me, I think if necessary, I will decide to take this course again.


As for the cost of a fractional laser rejuvenation procedure, it varies greatly depending on the number of jobs and the level of intervention. Payment is usually set for each area, for the whole face as a whole, for a face with a neck and décolleté grip. Prices may vary depending on the city.

A large number of cosmetologists consider this procedure a good alternative to plastic surgery, but it makes sense to perform it without waiting for significant skin changes, when it is already difficult and expensive to get rid of it. If you start fractional rejuvenation at the age of 35-40, this will allow you to defer the need to use more radical methods for the long term.